Studio Two

The Beatles

Before America

©2020 Studio Two- A Beatles Tribute, LLC.

Designed by Artisan Media Studio

Justin Fyfe as Ringo Starr 

Hailing from the small town of Milford, New Hampshire, Justin portrays Ringo Starr in Studio Two.


Starting off in the Punk Rock scene, he was originally a Punk drummer, as you can tell by the way he smashes on the drums and is always driving the beat forward.


His music career started with playing at his local church, and playing in basements, backyards, parties or any other small local gig.


Many are astonished by his young age, but don't let that fool you! Justin plays exceptionally well with a mere five years of musical background! Also, his vocals and performance are reminiscent of Ringo's and will have you closing your eyes and thinking you're actually seeing the Beatles!


And if that's not enough, just watch his mannerisms. Every move he makes is as close to Ringo's playing as you can get, and will leave you in awe and amazed.


"I'd never pictured myself playing in a Beatles tribute band, and almost everyone I know said the same thing. But one thing I can say is that it's been one of the most interesting and exciting things I've ever done."


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